Introduction: Davina was forced to marry business tycoon Chadwick for family interests, but the union didn't bring happiness, only misery. Misunderstandings and resentment deepened the rift between them, despite Davina's efforts to keep things together. After an accident, their emotions surged, and Davina got pregnant, just as Yolena, Chadwick's past love, returned. To repay Yolena for saving his life, Chadwick didn't hesitate to seize Davina's family's project, enraging Davina to demand a divorce. Chadwick changed his attitude upon learning of Davina's pregnancy, but it was too late. Misled by the news of Davina's pregnancy, he eventually uncovered the truth, leading to Yolena's imprisonment. Realizing the absurdity of the misunderstandings, Chadwick apologized to Davina, promising to make amends for the harm. However, Davina, feeling disheartened, planned to leave for a distant land, putting their bond to the test of life and death.

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