Introduction: Sybil, under her mother's arrangement, went on a blind date in a huff, mistaking Hendrik, the CEO of Aura Group, as her date. Provoked by her ex-boyfriend, she impulsively married Hendrik that day, only to realize later that she had mistaken him for someone else - her childhood friend, Ian. Eventually, Sybil and Hendrik agreed to spend a month getting to know each other. While Sybil worked at Aura Group, she remained unaware that Hendrik was the CEO of the company. Believing that Sybil disliked wealthy families, Hendrik hesitated to reveal his true identity and instead worked in Aura Group as a HR manager. As Hendrik and Sybil spent more time together, their relationship improved, with Hendrik punishing anyone who mistreated Sybil. Just as their relationship was blossoming, Hendrik's childhood friend Sandra returned. Ten years prior, Sandra had saved Hendrik's life, and he had agreed to fulfill three promises to her. However, Sandra deliberately sowed discord between Sybil and Hendrik, even using a cancer diagnosis as leverage to push Hendrik into marrying her. Sybil, mistakenly believing that Sandra was pregnant with Hendrik's child, chose to leave with Ian in sorrow, only to discover later that she herself was pregnant. With Ian's help, Sybil uncovered the truth and interrupted Sandra and Hendrik's wedding to reclaim her love, Hendrik.

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