Introduction: Wenny Gold, adopted by the Gold family, was hated by Nova Gold, who had suffered in poverty with Wenny's biological mother due to a twisted plot. Nova conspired with Wenny's fiancé, Jay Faul, to drug and disfigure her, leaving her in a stranger's bed. To cover their tracks, Nova and Jay tried to burn Wenny alive. In her final moments, Wenny saw her true love, Sain Faul, coming to save her, but the fire consumed them both. Miraculously, as Wenny took her last breath, she was transported back to the day before Nova's betrayal. Determined to change her fate, Wenny confronted her enemies, exposed her adoptive parents, and expressed her love for Sain. Despite her sincere efforts, Sain initially saw her actions as manipulation and kept his distance, though he helped her at critical times. In the end, Sain realized Wenny's genuine love and accepted her feelings, allowing their love to finally blossom.

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