Betrayal Hurts.... but what if the betrayer is your mate?
Shyla never thought her mate and her family wouldever betray her like this. She thought she hadeverything and couldn't ask for more but she waswrong, so wrong to think those lovely smiles andenchanting words are true.
On the day of the Throne Ceremony, Shyla foundher heart shattered into pieces. She found her mateenjoying pleasures with her sister. She thought there'sstill a small chance and could confront them but againshe was wrong. Accusing her for being so weak andeven giving her the worst choice to accept her fate andbecome the substitute, at that moment she knew shehad lost everything. With the painful heart she left, sheran as far as her legs could take her. So far from theshadow of her life. But life never goes according topeople's plan.In the midst of the woods, something happened,seemed like a miracle that certainly changed theperspective of her life. She found the greatest truthhiding in the woods far away from her for so manyyears... it was like a second chance granted to her tosurvive the pain and betrayal.
And ...again there's he... standing like a king withthose blazing eyes.. looking at her and claiming her ashis?
"Let me go.." My voice almost came out like awhisper.
His eyes traveled through my whole body making mefeel naked even though it's covered with clothes. Hishusky breath fell on my face as he leaned his head.
"No, not now, not ever'
And at that moment, l realized my fate was sealedwith him forever.

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