Grace Lewis, the wife of the president of theHarrington Group, suffered a mental breakdown.She strangled her one-year-old son at his birthdayparty. Moreover, her text about eloping with herfirst love, Samuel Whitman, was exposed at theHarrington Group's 10th anniversary gathering. Inresponse, Christian Harrington, the president of theHarrington Group, was consumed by anger and putGrace in a mental hospital. Soon after, Grace suffereda heart attack and died. Furious, Christian dumpedher body in a wasteland. Against all odds, Gracesurvived and returned to the Harrington family fiveyears later with her daughter, Aria Lewis. At thistime, Christian was planning his wedding to JessicaCarter. Grace's appearance broke their sweetness. Shpleaded with Christian to donate Aria his bonemarrow but was subjected to various humiliationsfrom him. He even asked Grace to sleep with othermen in exchange for the chance to save Aria. Drivenby her desperate desire to save Aria, Grace fell intoChristian's traps. As a result, she was admitted to the intensive care unit several times. After afew accidents, Christian, sensing something fishy,launched a secret investigation. Gradually, all theevidence pointed to Jessica, who was about to bemarried to him, being held accountable for the sinisterevents...
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